Property Restoration History - People - Downey, John
- Ohio
- Third generation carpet cleaner
- Cleanfax Magazine
- IICRC Journal
- Cleanfax Magazine
- Video Interview with John Downey from IAQ Radio - The John Downey Story
- Video Interview with John Downey from The DYOJO Podcast
- Video Interview with John Downey from Straight Talk with Jeff Cross - live from AEML Winter Break 2022
- Video clip of John Downey at a Howard Partridge Roundtable
Help us record history
This is a "living document" and being added to as we acquire and confirm new information. It is a labor of love by volunteers, so please be kind if something has been missed or needs correction.
We are working to track down and piece together elements of the history and rise of the property restoration industry.
We are working to track down and piece together elements of the history and rise of the property restoration industry.
- If you are the source of any of this information, we have done our best to credit the contributors. If somehow you were excluded or not credited, please accept our apologies and contact the PRH team.
- If you have contributions of articles, documents, stories, photos, videos, or other relics, please contact the PRH team.
We are working to track down and share the people, innovations, movements, and stories from the evolution of the property restoration industry. The goal of this site is to be a collection of shared memories, photographs, videos, audio segments, documents, relics, and stories. We want to learn from and honor our past and we need your help. Please reach out if you have something to add or a lead on an interesting fact.